10 Dog Breeds Known for Unwavering Loyalty and Devotion

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Labrador Retriever: The Pioneer Woman notes that Labs are an excellent choice for families with young kids or other dogs.

Golden Retriever: The Golden Retriever boasts a paler, longer, and glossier coat compared to a Lab but is equally affectionate and devoted.

German Shepherd: These large, black-and-tan dogs are highly intelligent and often utilized in police or military roles.

Collie: Also known as a sheepdog, the long-haired, three-colored Collie was specifically bred for herding sheep.

Boxer: Boxers are renowned for their boundless enthusiasm and are highly motivated to be playful, loyal, and protective.

Dachshund: Affectionately called 'Sausage Dogs,' Dachshunds may be small, but they pack a lot of loyalty into their miniature package.

Pug: Another small breed, the amusing-looking Pug is known for being charmingly lovable and loyal.

Bulldog: Bulldogs are brachycephalic with a big head and strong chest, and they are well-known for their devotion and loyalty.

Shih Tzu: These popular lap dogs may be small, but they make up for it with their loyalty and affection.

Great Dane: These gentle giants are among the largest dog breeds, known for their imposing size and gentle temperament.