Fashion Icon Iris Apfel Passes away at 102, All you need to know about

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News Uptake

Iris Apfel, a fashion icon known for her bold and eccentric style, passed away at 102.

She was famous for mixing high fashion with vintage pieces, creating unique and eye-catching outfits.

Her signature style included oversized jewelry, bright colors, and bold patterns.

Apfel was not only a fashion icon but also a successful businesswoman.

She co-owned a textile company and had celebrity clients like Estee Lauder and Greta Garbo.

Her unique style was celebrated in a museum exhibit, a documentary film, and gained her a large social media following.

Apfel never retired and believed in the importance of staying active. She is remembered for her originality, courage, and love of fashion.

She left a lasting legacy, inspiring countless individuals to embrace their own unique style.