Are You Mentally Strong? Find Out Here

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News Uptake

Being mentally strong means that you can control the way your mind thinks instead of being controlled by it.

You can't control your mind fully. A memory suddenly appearing in your mind or a fear or feeling sweeping you- these you cannot control.

Mental strength means being able to know what in your thought process you can control.

And exercise that control well when you need it.

It is also one of the best ways to improve your emotional health.

For example, instead of brooding over self-criticism or shame, we can divert our thoughts to something more constructive.

Instead of immediately responding to some taunt or sarcastic remark, we check ourselves and express our dislike firmly.

You can't control feeling anxious about something, but you can control not to be overwhelmed by it.

If you can control your anger by the way you think about it, then you are mentally strong.

You can develop mental strength by constantly practicing some habits of restraint and positive thinking.