Things 90s Kids Did That Are Outdated Today

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News Uptake

If you were a teenager in the 90s, many things were integral part of your life which are now almost forgotten.

Being without a cell phone was one good thing in the 90s. Our parents trusted us with our bikes and simply told us to be home by 6!

All of us who grew up in the 90s are familiar with the fond habit of making plastic friendship wristbands which are no longer trendy!

Making a long-distance call or writing long letters was necessary to be in touch with friends. No longer now!

Rewinding a VHS tape was quite a boring process but all of us 90s kids did that.

Today we can find out the temperature simply by Googling it. But in the 90s we called a number for time and temperature updates!

In the 90s we were in the habit of memorizing phone numbers. No longer now as the phones themselves do it for us!

We all had answering machine messages in our landlines.

A pager attached to your belt conveyed that you are in an important job or quite busy. Pagers are redundant now.