7 Items by the Front Door to Keep You Safe

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News Uptake

The front door of your house should look welcoming to your guests but not to unwanted burglars or thieves.

There are certain things which can keep you safe if they are placed by your front door.

Old Boots: When you go out, old boots at the front door give an impression that someone has just come in from outside and is in the house.

Security Sign: Thieves have no way of knowing if you have hired a security firm's services. But the sign in the front yard can ward them off.

Fake Video Camera: Installing a camera is certainly quite expensive. But if you install a fake video camera, nobody from outside can find out the truth and burglars will be wary of breaking in.

Door Brace: If your kids stay at home after school without you in the house, investing in it can be a wise choice. A good door brace can prevent a break-in.

Security Door: Installing a security door made of iron or steel is a good choice. They are tough to break or cut.

Keypad Lock: It is always better to install it instead of just locks. They come in with features like alarm, fingerprint recognition etc.

Pocket Radio: An inexpensive way of making your home safe. Keep it inside and switch it on when you are going out. It gives the impression that someone is inside the house.