Americans should Avoid Travelling to These Places in 2024

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News Uptake

While traveling gives one new and exciting experiences, there are some places which are quite dangerous to visit.

The U.S. State Department keeps updating its travel advisory for about 200 countries in view of many risk factors.

These risk factors include crime, social and political instability and terrorism.

The level 4 advisory of "Do No Travel" has been issued for 19 countries as of January, 2024. Here are some of those countries.

Myanmar: Wrongful detentions, civil unrest and limited healthcare services are factors why the U.S. State Dept advises against travelling to Myanmar.

Belarus: The country's ties to Russia result in political tension and hence the State department advises against traveling to Belarus.

Russia: It is advised to not travel to Russia due to its ongoing war with Ukraine.

Mexico: Increasing crime and cases of kidnapping are major risk factors here.

Venezuela: High rate of crime, social and political instability have made this place dangerous.