Avoid Eating These 8 High-Fat Foods

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News Uptake

It is usually difficult to know what kind of foods with high amount of fat can be nutritious.

Saturated fats and trans fats should be avoided as they are artery-clogging fats.

While monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats are good for your health. Here's a list of high-fat foods that you should avoid eating.

Baked desserts like cookies, cakes and brownies have high amount of saturated fat. They should be avoided or eaten in moderated quantity.

Butter and candy are full of saturated fats and contain high amount of calories. So, they should be avoided or consumed in moderate quantity.

Chips, and deep fried foods should be avoided as they have high amount of saturated fat.

Fats food is ultra processed, has high sodium and is full of calories. So, they are not an ideal choice for regular consumption.

Frosting and icing contain cream, cream cheese, milk or butter. So they have high amount of saturated fats and calories

Salad dressings: Although a salad of fresh vegetables and fruits can be very nutritious but creamy dressings on it contain saturated fats. So, choose your dressing wisely.