Dune 2 Review: The Sequel Excels with Timothee Chalamet and Sandworms

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News Uptake

Director Denise Villeneuve's science fiction 'Dune' was released during pandemic in 2021 and became landmark in sci-fi films.

The sequel of Frank Herbert's early 60s pulp serial has arrived now and it is even more gripping than the previous one.

This is actually not a sequel but the second half of the saga.

Like Christopher Nolan, Denise Villeneuve is experimenting with the medium to convey his larger than life vision.

The director treats each shot as a painting which make the film spectacular.

Timothee Chalamaet's character rises stronger as the sandworms make a come back.

The water starved planet Arrakis aka Dune is the home to a multi-faceted conflict.

Paul may be a saviour but Chani is no less and then there are Fremen rebels too.

The movie at times slow-paced gives audience a satisfying experience not many flicks offer.