8 Good Old School Habits Gaining Popularity Again

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News Uptake

In today's fast paced life where new technological developments are added to our lives daily, a longing for good old habits has steadily become popular.

Letter Writing: In the world of emails and whatsapp messages, people have come to realize that letter writing is very personal and heartfelt exercise.

Vintage Fashion: Old fashion not only allows you to recycle your old clothes but also gives your style a unique touch.

Board Games: Virtual gaming is very popular nowadays. But board games provide you with the joy of togetherness, warmth and laughter. People are gradually opting for such happiness.

Canning and Preserving: Homemade jams, pickles and sauces have always had a special place in our hearts. Now it is becoming more popular as it helps in reducing food waste.

Journaling: Writing a journal about yourself gives an outlet to your emotions and thoughts. In this age of outward noise, journaling is becoming quite useful in streamlining your thoughts and feelings.

Mending Clothes: In this era of use and throw, people generally throw away their used or slightly torn clothes. But mending clothes gives them a longer lifespan and saves fashion waste.

Good Manners: Simple acts of kindness and good manners always leave a positive impact and promote a culture of mutual respect and politeness.

Walking and Biking: Walking and riding a bicycle helps in reducing carbon emission and it is a physical exercise that will keep you healthy.