Know about the Foods That Have a Short Life Even in the Fridge

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News Uptake

We think that if we have kept a food item in the refrigerator, it will last long. That's not true.

Find out the food items that have surprisingly very short life even in the fridge.

Sliced Deli Meats: Slice for you in the store for your sandwich, Deli meats don't last more than three to five days. Packaged deli meats slices last for five to seven days.

Cut Watermelon: If you have cut watermelon, then it's better to eat it in than keep it in the fridge. If the cut pieces are kept in an airtight container, they can last three to five days.

Organic Blackberries: They are not treated with pesticides; hence their water content and thin skin make them susceptible to bacteria growth.

Preservation bag or refrigerator's crisper drawer can extend their shelf life a little.

Kale: Stalks of kale last about three to five days in the fridge. It is better to keep them in a cup of water to extend their shelf life a bit.

Cooked Rice: Although the government recommends four to six days as its shelf life, cooked rice should be consumed within two days.

Lettuce: High water content can make it last longer, up to 30 days if you wrap them in a foil or roll them in paper towels.

Hard-Boiled Eggs: Though you can keep uncooked eggs for a long time, you should consume hard-boiled eggs within one week after storing them in the fridge.

Canned Fish: An unopened can of fish has quite a longer life than the opened one. Once you open the can then fish should be consumed within a few days.