Know the Habits You Develop if You didn't Feel Loved in Childhood

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News Uptake

All children deserve and need all possible love and care. But sometimes parents fail to show sufficient love towards their children.

Showing and expressing the love and care for your child is equally important. Otherwise they may develop these habits.

If you weren't shown enough love in your childhood by your parents, you may, as an adult, seek others' approval while making decisions.

People who felt neglected in their childhood may find it difficult to trust others.

You become more vulnerable to criticism and rejection by others in your social interaction, if you felt neglected emotionally in your childhood.

You develop a habit to hide your emotions and create a wall to avoid being hurt.

A fear of abandonment develops in such a situation and you start feeling over-jealous or possessive about your loved ones.

You become escapist and often find yourself day-dreaming or fantasizing, taking refuge in movies and series.

Lack of showing love by parents may make you suppress your needs and feeling guilty about wanting things.