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In the 90s, before the rapid technological changes took over us, there were some items which we used regularly but have been forgotten now.
So, can the technical advancement make other items of daily usage become redundant?
Here is a list of those things which were so necessary in the 90s but are not used now.
Wristwatches: Not a long time ago, wristwatches were a necessity to keep a track of time. But now they are used more as a fashion accessory.
Phone Books: Phone books were a necessity to remain updated about an individual or a business contact number.
But now internet offers all that info.
Fax Machines: With fax machines we drew exact copies of a document to be sent from one person to another, but now emails and printers/scanners do that.
Floppy Disk: Floppy disks were used in the 90s for computer storage, but with the advent of pen drive, Cloud etc, they have become redundant.
Pagers: For a brief time before cell-phone became popular, pagers were a necessity if one had to communicate with someone urgently.
But now pagers can be seen only in hospitals and their usage has become obsolete.