These are the Healthy Foods People do not Want to Eat

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News Uptake

As parents we are very concerned that our children eat healthy foods. We ourselves try to bring in nutritious foods in our diet.

But our taste buds are usually influenced by what we eat regularly. High salt, sugar and fat content make our food more palatable.

So, initially we may not like healthy food which can be low on these contents. But it's a matter of habit and the way you cook healthy food.

Here's a list of healthy foods that you don't want to eat: Brussels sprouts lead in the list.

If you roast brussels sprouts to crisps or use it in salad, it will taste better.

Beets are full of nutrients but not liked by many. If you roast them or make a smoothie out of beets, you may like its taste.

Kale is very nutritious but not liked by people. It has a slightly bitter taste. If we roast it into crunchy chips or use it in salad with olive oil, it tastes good.

Sardines are rich in Omega-3 and Vitamin-D. They taste good if we add lemon and herbs to it. They taste good in toast and pasta too.

Chia seeds are nutritious and rich in Omega-3. They can taste better if used in puddings and sprinkled on yoghurt.