These Medicines should not be Taken with Tylenol

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News Uptake

Tylenol is a popular medicine taken in variety of conditions such as allergies, seasonal colds, flu, fever etc.

According to research in 2019, 20% Americans use this in a week.

As with prescription medication we should take precaution in taking this medicine with other medications specially if it contains acetaminophen.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) underlines the fact that people should know how much acetaminophen they are taking.

Acetaminophen is found in at east 600 other drugs along with Tylenol.

The maximum daily dose of acetaminophen is 4000 mg for adults. Taking more than this can seriously harm liver.

Acetaminophen is also listed as APAP, AC, Acetam, Acetamin, Acetamino, Acetaminophen, N-acetyl-para-aminophenol, or paracetamol.

Patients taking Warfarin should also consult their doctor before taking it along with Tylenol.

ketoconazole, teriflunomide and leflunomide should also not be taken with Tylenol.